Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Gary Sigler  T40-Two Covenants   
 2. Darryl Mefford  Israel's Covenants and Us  Bible Study on Paltalk 
 3. Elder D. Todd Christofferson  The Power of Covenants  Saturday Morning Session - 200 
 4. S. Lewis Johnson  22 - Hist Covenants(6) The New - I  The Divine Purpose 
 5. S. Lewis Johnson  20 - Hist Covenants(4) Davidic - I  The Divine Purpose 
 6. S. Lewis Johnson  21 - Hist Covenants(5) Davidic - II  The Divine Purpose 
 7. S. Lewis Johnson  19 - Hist Covenants(3) Abrahamic  The Divine Purpose 
 8. Brother Scott Nesbitt  Signs, Seals and Covenants   
 9. Dave Shirley  Lesson 12 Covenants and Promises  History of Redemption 
 10. President Ezra Taft Benson  The Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants  Ensign January 
 11. Elder C. Elmer Black  Messages from the Doctrine and Covenants: The Holy Sabbath  Ensign April 2005 
 12. Dr. Guy Prentiss Waters  Two Adams, Two Covenants, Two Righteousnesses: Getting a Handle on Romans, Part 2  Pauline Epistles -- WSC 
 13. Dr. Guy Prentiss Waters  Two Adams, Two Covenants, Two Righteousnesses: Getting a Handle on Romans, Part 1  Pauline Epistles -- WSC 
 14. Dr. Guy Prentiss Waters  Two Adams, Two Covenants, Two Righteousnesses: Getting a Handle on Romans, Part 1  Pauline Epistles -- WSC 
 15. Elder David J. Barnett  Messages from the Doctrine and Covenants: A Testimony of Missionary Work  Ensign March 2005 
 16. Elder Mervyn B. Arnold  Messages from the Doctrine and Covenants:Seek Ye Earnestly the Best Gifts  Ensign March 2005 
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